Deepika Roy

    Content Developer

    • Location: Mumbai

    Zeanne Megan D’Cunha

    Content Developer

    Maverick thinker. Fashion junkie. DIY lover. Music geek.

    • Location: Mumbai

    Christine Rodricks

    Content Developer

    I’m an opportunist. I sieze every moment I get hold of. I love travelling and hate shopping. So I save most of my money that I’d probably use on shopping and I spend it on travelling and food. I love baked beans and Thai cuisine. And that Rhymed!! Which brings me to my next hobby, I love writing poems. I blog about life, travel and poetry. These few things feed my young soul.


    • Location: Mumbai
    • Website: Link

    Nisha Navgire

    Content Developer

    A thinker who loves to dream, dance and aspires to become a good writer.
    I am an Indian at heart that means crazy for Cricket and Bollywood.
    To explore myself and the world is my ultimate motto.

    Pratyancha Patodkar

    Content Developer

    Pratyancha refers to herself as a morbid lovechild of a chainsaw and a cupcake.
    She loves animals, boks, noir films , music and fight club. Wednesday Addams from the Addams family is her spirit animal.
    Blogspot :

    Nadiya .M.Sehgal

    Content Developer

    With the help of a sorting hat, I was placed with a family of writers where I learnt “With the help of a sorting hat, I was placed with a family of writers where I learnt to channel my energy into writing poetry. I consider myself to be a hard-worker and extremely observant.
    I’m passionate about traveling and strongly believe in world peace.
    To change the world, and make it a better place to live in is my sole purpose in life.”
    to channel my energy into writing poetry. I consider myself to be a hard-worker and extremely observant
    . I’m passionate about traveling and strongly believe in world peace.
    To change the world, and make it a better place to live in is my sole purpose in life.

      Aabha Joshi

      Content Developer

      Most of my energy is utilised by my thoughts.
      There is barely a moment where I am not thinking. I am overtly opinionated. It gets a lil conflicting in the head sometimes, but I try to stick to my ideals.
      I use ‘2 Ps’ for communiaction the first is performing arts and the second is the pen. I try to seek happiness in everything I do and aim to go to bed with a smile. 🙂

        Tanya Martins

        Content Developer

        Generally a very happy person,
        it is difficult to find me sad,
        or make me angry for that matter.
        I think I am a fairly good writer, and enjoy it.
        Hence, CampusMag.
        I prefer writing my heart out, rather than being vocal. Pen mightier than the megaphone anyday. And lastly, I’m shy…. But, only at first. 😉

        • Location: Mumbai

        Pooja Nair

        Editor In Chief

        Pooja is a journalism student from Wilson College, Mumbai. She loves writing, filter kaapi and travelling for her food cravings. When she is not doing any of these things, she likes doodling on walls and scribbling on paper.
        She is also a talented artiste and has performed on various stages.


        BLOGS :

        Adrija Sen

        Content Developer

        “It’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than to be absolutely boring.” – M.M

        21, Traveler, explorer, adventurer, dreamer. Weaver of the written word. Food, friends, life and love.

        • Location: Mumbai